Watercolour, acrylic paint, spray paint, highlighter pens on watercolour paper.
This mixed media piece is inspired by several collages, completed by myself, which explore contrasting landscapes and the textures within them. To complete parts of this painting I used a small plant within my environment, painting the leaves different colours, resulting in a variety of patterns and textures. I was more focused on shapes and colours within this piece rather than the whole overall form.
Acrylic paint, posca pens on canvas.
A still life painting capturing one of the plants in my environment. I felt compelled to paint this particular plant due to the vibrancy of its leaves, allowing me to work with an an exciting colour palette. I started off by creating washes, something which I regularly do, this enables me to have an initial 'flow' to work with. Using a palette knife, I wanted parts of the plant to appear more textured, allowing a balance between the foreground and background.
Watercolour, sharpie, posca pens, spray paint on watercolour paper.
Another still life drawing, this particular plant is the tallest and biggest within my environment. My main focus was analysing the shapes of all the different leaves. Some are different shades, others face different directions in according to the sunlight. Certain colours within this piece are influenced by surrounding objects, for instance, we have an orange candle next to this plant explaining the orange posca pen.